The grace and mercy that is continuously poured out on us by God never fails to leave me in awe and wonder. Caught up in amazement at how someone could know everything about us, all our faults and struggles and still loves us and pour of His mercy and undeserved grace on us. Left in wonder at the fact that the Creator of the universe could love me even with all my faults, my mistakes and doubts. That He could love me even when I feel unlovable or when I find myself at my lowest points.
It is in those moments, that I have found His love to be so indescribable. As the years pass by, I find myself more and more in awe of His love and unwavering grace for us. Which makes me all the more grateful for the gift of His mercy and grace. I never want to lose the wonder of being caught up by the grace and mercy of our God.
I never want to lose the wonder of His mercy and grace. I pray you never do as well, that you would always find yourself captured by the wonder of who our God is. That you would never lose the wonder and awe of being loved by our Creator.
"Who is like you among the gods, O Lord - glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders?" - Exodus 15:11
Come on! That's so good, friends! Who is like our God? There is no one like Him friends, He is above all things and through Him all things have been created. I pray you never stop being captured by wonder. That you will always cling to the unending, never failing love of our Creator. That you would cling to His goodness and faithfulness all your life. That you would remember His love for you will never fail and His promises are yes and amen!
Our God is so good friends and His word will never return void. Stay captured by His love and mercy, be firmly rooted in His goodness and His Spirit. Recently, I realized that it doesn't matter what I try to do in my own strength it will always fail, but when I let God be my strength and allow Him to work in and through me, that is when progress is made.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." -Romans 15:13
The passage above is my prayer for all of you. Along with it I hope you understand how incredible it is to be loved by our Creator. The one who created the universe, knows everything about you and His love for you is everlasting. If that doesn't capture you in wonder I don't no what will.
Much love friends,