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Writer's pictureAlianna


Lately I have been reminded of all the times we expect life to look one way and find that idea completely turned upside down. We place so many different expectation on ourselves and often those around us, many of which we never realize we have or maybe we do. Life can be hard and busy at times making it difficult to see the good within the season, but its still there. Just as there are hard, busy times there are also peace filled moments often found in the middle of the chaos.

A recent conversation reminded me of this. I was disappointed I wasn't able to get all of the work done over the summer I had planned. I had a set of expectations on what I felt had to be done and when it had to be done. Honestly, I was staying so busy I found it hard to even enjoy my summer break. So, when classes started back and I had to put everything I was working on aside, I honestly felt not just disappointed but like I should just quit expecting anything. It often feels like when I expect things they never happen anyway, so why even expect anything right?

That's when I was reminded that often what we see as chaos or a curve in our plans, can end up becoming one of our favorite memories down the road. Life may look different from our expectations, but that doesn't mean we should give up. Instead, learn to expect the unexpected.

"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance - an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay." -1 Peter 1:3-4

What I'm saying is, it is okay if life looks different than what we expect it to look. We might just find it more beautiful then we could have imagined. Life is hard and crazy at times, but it is also full of unexpectedly beautiful instances. So the next time your expectation are turned upside down, remember that there is something so beautiful that often comes with the unexpected.

When life gets crazy and doesn't make sense, learn to expect the unexpected. Find rest in the moments you least expect.

I have found that it is in those moments I get the most frustrated by life, I find myself in awe of the power of our God. Maybe that's the point. Maybe we have some of these moments in life just to remind us of what an amazing Creator we have. One of those moments happened recently for me as I stood looking out over an inlet as the tide was going out. Life has been busy and chaotic in some ways over the last month and I found myself exhausted, and in desperate need of rest. Standing there looking out at the beauty that surrounded me I was speechless. In the midst of all the craziness of life, I found a quite moment of rest.

I don't know what life looks like for you, but what I do know is that God sees you and He loves you. He is for you and not against you, and He has great plans in store for you.

"When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked!" - Isaiah 64:3

I love this reminder, that the things of God are often far beyond our expectations. He is a miracle working God and He never gives up on us. He will never go back on His word and His promises never return void.

Maybe its time to learn to expect the unexpected!

Much love friends,


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