Hi friends, I just want to take a few minutes to talk about something incredibly important to me. The idea that God has chosen each of us with a plan and a purpose unique to each of us blows my mind. God chose us even though He didn't have too. He could have picked someone else. Someone more qualified or better at leading or speaking, but instead He chose you. He hand picked you to fill a specific role. He placed dreams in your heart and wrote a destiny for you that is more incredible than anything you could ever begin to imagine.
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other." - John 15:16-17
This is such a great verse, our God chose us! The fact alone that the Creator of the universe chose each and every one of us blows my mind. Nowhere in the Bible does it say He had to appoint or choose us, no it says He chose to. It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done, there is a God who loves you so much and is for you. It reminds me of the fact that our God is good and He is kind. He has never lost a battle and He never will. He is for you and not against you. Our God goes before you and He comes behind. No matter what you may be walking through we serve a God who is faithful and just and He will never go back on His promises.
I recently heard a song the second chorus of the song is so powerful it says,
"Wind listen to the sound, of power on my lips Jesus has broken the curse, He has never lost a battle. Who are you great mountain, that you should not bow low, Jesus defeated the darkness, He has never lost battle."
This is a great reminder that no matter what happens, everything is silenced when He speaks. Jesus is all we need! I want to remind you that our God is good and He is kind. So next time you find yourself doubting why you, remember God chose you for such a time as this. He is for you and not against you. The Creator of the universe loves you with an ever-lasting love.
Much love friends,