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Writer's pictureAlianna

Always Faithful & Kind

I was recently reminded of the faithfulness of God in my own life. There has never been a moment when His love for me was hidden, He is ever present and always working. I mentioned walking through some challenging seasons over the years, and how I saw the faithfulness of God even in those dark and tiring moments. Something I want to remind you of now is that no matter what the season looks like, He is always faithful.

I remember countless nights crying alone in my room, crying out to God in the midst of my struggle. Clinging desperately to the promises found throughout scripture. Some moments felt as if I was trapped with no way to escape, but I never doubted His faithfulness. Even in those desperate moments I knew He was right there with me. One night I found myself sinking deep and feeling more overwhelmed than I have ever felt in my life. I was away from home and about to have surgery and if I’m honest I was terrified. To those around me I seemed fine, but on the inside I felt like I was barely keeping it all together.

I remember setting in my hotel room waiting for my parents to come back and it felt like the weight of the world was resting on my shoulders (I’m willing to bet you’ve been there too). At a loss for what to do I grabbed my Bible and opened it for the first time in days. The verse I read first stopped me in my tracks.

“I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.” -Psalm 62:1-2

With tear-filled eyes I read the verse again, He is my rock and my salvation, I will never be shaken,

What an amazing God we serve friends! He listens to our prayers, and He cares deeply for each of us. You are never alone; He is for you not against you. He loves you and He never fails! It is my prayer that you would begin to understand that no matter the season our God is faithful, and He will never stop being faithful. His mercies are new every morning.

Friends never forget just how loved you are. God loves you so much He willingly sent His only Son to die on the cross in your place! Jesus paid a debt He did not owe so that we could spend eternity in heaven with Him. There is nothing we could ever do to be worthy of the love and grace that is continually poured out on us, and yet He still calls us sons and daughters!

When I remembered I wasn’t walking into that season alone, that I was surrounded by people who loved me and held firm by our ever-present God. I began to see the situation in a different light. Where once I was terrified, now I saw an opportunity for God to move. In the moments I felt alone, I was reminded of all the times I have seen God move not only in my life but in the lives of those all around me. Life felt bright and full of joy again, even in the midst of my darkest season.

His faithfulness never left me, and I know He is still the same today as He was then. Friends never forget the moments He walked with you through fire and the moments He was with you will dancing in the rain. He is faithful in every season and His promises never return void.

My God is always faithful no matter the season.

Much Love friends,


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