Over the years I have found it is in my moments of complete weakness that the enemy tries his best to attack me and belittle me. It is in these moments I remind myself again and again who God says I am and what He says about me. I don't allow what is going on around me to dictate how I see my worth and how I respond in any and every circumstance. Scripture tells us that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, God's special possession. That means we have greater worth then we could ever imagine and we are loved more than we can fathom. We are the sons and daughters of God and that means something!
It can be so easy to let the things others say about us dictate how we respond and act within any and every circumstance, however, I want to challenge you to step out in faith and remember who you are and where your worth is really found. If God said it, you know it has to be true! I honestly think that so often we forget that all we have to do is wait on the Lord and He will renew our strength and He will be our strength when we have none.
Scripture tells us in Isaiah, that those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength, they will walk and not grow weary, they will run and not faint, they will mount up on wings like eagles and soar. All we ever have to do is wait on the Lord, and His grace and mercy. Wait on the Lord and He will provide for our every need. Don't you see they that wait on the Lord we renew their strength, they will mount up on wings like an eagle and soar, they will walk and not grow weary, they will run and not faint, they that wait on the Lord will have everything they could ever need.
So no matter what life may be throwing your way always remember to wait on the Lord. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, as long as you remember what God says about you.

As always remember you have a God-given uniqueness!
Shalom ~ Alianna